Drink “English Tea” from a plastic cup!? Or drink “English Tea” from a China cup!?——- That’s The Missing Cork difference, and I have ceased buying any wine that is Not genuinely cork “Corked”! Quality is not a compromise...Quality is a genuine Successful produce requirement, which is not compromised!

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Bob, it's definitely a fact that the top producers, especially in Bordeaux and Burgundy, etc., will probably always use natural cork for all the reasons you express. And in the 2020s we can safely assume that they are investing in taint-free corks. At the level of everyday wines, though, and particularly before modern advances in natural-cork production, your teacup metaphor only works if we assume that everry 10th cup is befouled with a substance that would make your otherwise delicious tea taste filthy. It's no wonder that the industry was under so much pressure to do something about tainted corks, and only a shame that it took so long to do so.


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