Robin, as always I trust your judgement. However, I have done extensive consulting in Chile, where I’ve had the good fortune to experience some of the best cabs I’ve ever tasted. Having made good friends in Chile, I’ve been introduced to wines that don’t get exported and are among the finest in the world. And visiting and tasting at Chilean wineries is an unforgettable experience.
Michael, yes! Absolutely agree that Chile produces some spectacular Cabs. My negative-sounding remark had to do with the wave of low-end varietal wines that sell in the U.S. for lower prices. I'd never deny that Chile (or Argentina) can make great wines, only that if you're prowling in the bargain bins you have to kiss a lot of frogs to find one princess. Thanks for your comment.
Robin, as always I trust your judgement. However, I have done extensive consulting in Chile, where I’ve had the good fortune to experience some of the best cabs I’ve ever tasted. Having made good friends in Chile, I’ve been introduced to wines that don’t get exported and are among the finest in the world. And visiting and tasting at Chilean wineries is an unforgettable experience.
Michael, yes! Absolutely agree that Chile produces some spectacular Cabs. My negative-sounding remark had to do with the wave of low-end varietal wines that sell in the U.S. for lower prices. I'd never deny that Chile (or Argentina) can make great wines, only that if you're prowling in the bargain bins you have to kiss a lot of frogs to find one princess. Thanks for your comment.